Thursday, 5 March 2009

What do you do?

What do you do when the one you want to be with - the one person in the world that gets your juices flowing like no one ever has before - is ill and pretty much incapable of sex?

When masturbation isn't good enough, because it isn't just an orgasm you're wanting. It's the closeness. The touching and being touched. The intimacy required in the act. The feeling of not knowing where he begins and you end.

When every inch of you screams out "touch me, kiss me, bite me, fuck me"... and he just can't. What do you do?



  1. Unfortunately you may just have to suffer. Although if he has a cold or the flu take heart, I have had some of the best sex ever doped up on Nyquil and hot toddys.

  2. Unfortunately it's a little more serious than the flu. :( He was in the hospital this week; chest pains.

    I could quite literally fuck him to DEATH.

  3. I usually give him lots of paracetamol and then jump on him. lol

  4. There have been some points in Sexyhusband's and my relationship where this was an issue. Previous to my back surgery, and in my first trimester of pregnancy I physically could not stand to have sex. After my miscarriage with my first pregnancy, I was incapable emotionally.

    For us, we tried to connect through things like my reading him erotica, my giving him handjobs, and he did a LOT of suferring in silence, sadly.

  5. Suffer and wait.

  6. I can't say I have ever been in that situation......perhaps one day there will be a man in my life who I feel that way about who will stick around long enough


  7. That would be awful. I have no good ideas for this situation.

  8. There's no replacement for those things you truly crave. I feel for you.

  9. It's sooooo frustrating when you're really horny and you're partner is ill. Though, it just means you want it even more when they're feeling well again!


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